Chroma Experience

Measuring the user experience of applications

There are still people who believe that good usability or user experience is based on assumptions, gut decisions, or the experience of good designers. However, the opposite is true. Whenever we discuss UX in the team, with clients and stakeholders, we can back up arguments with measurable facts.

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Data as a foundation

Whenever we need to make important decisions about product planning, development, and marketing, we can generate measurable results from user testing. Here, we have various metrics at our disposal that can provide a helpful basis for making decisions on various issues.

We distinguish the following metrics:

  • TCR (Task Completion): Proportion of completed tasks in a user test.

  • TOT (Time on Task): average processing time per task

  • SEQ (Single Ease Question): assessment of the difficulty of a question

  • SUS (System Usability Scale): measures agreement with individual statements on a fixed scale

  • NPS (Net Promoter Score):** probability of recommending a product to others

  • VisAWI (Visual Aesthetics of Websites Inventory):** central aspects of aesthetics from the user's point of view: simplicity, variety, colorfulness and artistry

  • AttrakDiff: subjective perception on usability and appearance of an interactive product.

If we want to quantify UX, the first question is what we want to achieve with a metric in the first place. Have we asked the right question we want to answer? Can we read and interpret the numbers correctly? What are the consequences of reaching or falling below certain values? UX experts can help answer these questions.

Since individual values are often not meaningful, we collect metrics in comparison. This can be a comparison of a product with the competition or a comparison of different versions of a product. We then make the resulting decisions together in the team, with customers and stakeholders.